VenU eLearning Solutions is celebrating 16 years this week. Over that tenure, we’ve developed and implemented the latest and greatest for our industry leading clients in order to ensure our LMS product remains on the leading edge of technology. With the rise of the millennial workforce in the last several years, the concept of the modern learner continues to dominate the conversation.
According to the Association for Talent Development, “A modern learner is someone who is in an environment where content changes fast and learning needs change even faster. Modern learners want answers right away and rely on a wide variety of sources to find the answer.”
Learning On DemandToday’s workplace, in particular the service industries, often requires learners to obtain the necessary skills needed to perform their job in real time. Employees often have little time to step away in order to develop or refine an isolated skill. While our LMS is available anytime, anywhere on any device, we often also work with clients on integrations with other platforms so that learning is interwoven into their individual workflows without losing critical LMS functionality such as the ability to assign, track and report on training.
Content Is EverythingA modern training environment requires rapidly changing content to keep learners on top of the latest products, promotions, and services your enterprise offers. In addition to more traditional forms of training, performance support is paramount. Performance support is, essentially, providing the necessary tool for a learner to complete a job or task at the moment of need. It is vital that learners receive continued support beyond an initial training event -whether onsite or online. Our clients have found that leveraging content management tools like our Content Library to put this information “literally” in the hands of mobile learners is increasing both efficiency and productivity.
Communication CountsNow more than ever communication is critical – especially in the digital space. We’ve leveraged our cutting-edge functionality and combined it with the latest social learning trends to take virtual engagement to a whole new level. Our functionality allows administrators to simply and easily share content on any topic with users, generate momentum and create a call to action for upcoming news or events, and more. Our custom content feeds allow learners the opportunity to gain insight from communal knowledge and shared experiences within a moderated group setting.
We definitely understand and accommodate the demands of the modern learner. However, with 16 years in operation and immeasurable experience within the L&D industry on staff, we also understand that some things don’t change, such as: the cost of onboarding, the loss that stems from a poor retention rate, the criticality of compliance training, the need to improve the bottom line. We strategically work with our clients to leverage technology and custom develop functionality that solves their specific business need. And we do it faster, better and for less than anyone else.
Not a VenU™ client, but want to learn more? Contact us today at 800.596.8544.